6-30-2024 -  Updated About page, Election Schedule link to show updated list for June, 2024. Updated Meeting Minutes page to show the same list. Updated About page link to Officers & Key Contacts to show Revision 27 of the list. Updated link to Silent Key List to show the June, 2024 revision. Updated Links page to add link to Cat’s Whisker and Other Ham Radio Stories. Updated Net Reports page to link to May, 2024 report, updated both checkin graphs.

5-5-2024 - Changed Net Reports page to show a graph of Average Nightly Checkins.  

5-4-2024 - Updated Net Reports page with link to April 2024 report, updated OEN Checkins graph, added new Checkins by Day of the Week graph, made both graphs clickable to open a larger version. Updated the Roster page to link to the May Roster by City and Roster by City - Paul. Updated the About the OEN page to link to the May Member List.

4-16-2024 - Revised the About the OEN page to link to a new OEN Membership Requirements page 

4-8-2024 - Updated Net Reports page with link to March 2024 report and new OEN Checkins graph. 

4-5-2024 - Revised the Roster page to link to the April Roster by City, Roster by City - Paul, and Roster by Suffix. Revised the About page to link to the April Member List and Silent Key List. Put new Roster Changes page in place, needs to be updated.  

4-3-2024 - Added a graph showing OEN checkins over time to the Net Reports page. 

3-24-2024 - Revised the About the OEN page to link to updated Officers & Key Contacts list, and new Operational Guidelines & Training document.

3-16-2024 - Revised the contact link at the bottom of the Announcements page to point to the About the OEN page.  

3-11-2024 - Revised About the OEN page to link to updated Officers & Key Contacts list. Revised Archives page and OEN 2012 Picnic page to fix some broken links.

3-8-2024 - Revised Net Reports page to link to February, 2024 Net Report.    

2-29-2024 - Updated About the OEN page with revised memberlist and silent key list. Updated Roster Changes page with description of March changes. Updated Roster page with new Roster by City, Roster by City Paul, and Roster by Suffix PDF files. Revised Meeting Minutes & Actions page to add 02-07-2024 meeting. Revised Roster page to link to Preamble Rev. 12.

2-8-2024 - On the About the OEN page,  changed the "Membership Info" menu item to "How to Join the OEN" and changed the link in the last sentence from "Membership Info page" to "Membership Requirements page." Uploaded files to w7oen.net, website is now live.    

2-7-2024 - Changed filenames for Meeting Minutes & Actions, Net Reports, and Netter Archive, to add the word "minutes," "netreport." and "netter," respectively. This is for better sorting on cell phone apps.

2-6-2024 - Added January, 2024 net report.

2-1-2024 - Added new Roster Changes page, linked from the Roster page.

1-31-2024 - Uploaded new roster files, updated the About the OEN and Roster pages.

1-23-2024 - Moved the Member List and Silent Key List from the Roster page to the About the OEN page, since those lists are not used to call the roll.

1-22-2024 and 1-23-2024 - Changed the filenames on periodically updated PDF files to prevent the browser from loading old cached files.

1-21-2024 - Changed the About the OEN page to include all the links from the Business Page and removed the link to that page. Moved the links for Early Checkin Policy and Net Reports from the Roster page to the About the OEN page.

1-18-2024 - Finished People of the OEN page, website is ready for review, approval, and publishing.

1-11-2024 - Uploaded OEN Board Actions December 2022 and changed the name of the OEN Meeting Minutes page to OEN Meeting Minutes & Actions per request from W7HLR. Saved the meeting minutes from 8-21-2011 as a PDF file and changed the link on the OEN Meeting Minutes page.

1-10-2024 - Created the OEN 2014 Picnic, OEN 2013 Picnic, OEN 2012 Picnic, OEN 2011 Picnic, OEN 2010 Picnic, OEN 2007 Picnic, OEN 2006 Picnic, and OEN 2005 Picnic pages under Photos on the draft website. 

1-9-2024 - Created the OEN 2015 Picnic page under Photos and the OEN Contacts list on the draft website.

1-8-2024 - Updated and expanded the Links page on the draft website.

1-7-2024 - Changed draft website to add four 2023 meeting minutes files, September 2023 election schedule, replaced old quadrant map. Added April through December, 2023 net reports. Revised all website filenames to remove spaces and capitalization as per KA7FHA recommendation. Still need to verify the Links page and add everything to the Photos page.

12-26-2023 - Conference with AA7JS, KA7FHA, and W7DPS to set up website access for new webmaster.

12-20-2023 - W7DPS informally approved by Board of Directors to take over as webmaster from K7UGS.

12-19-2023 - First draft of revised website created.