OEN Membership Requirements

Welcome! Want to join the OEN?

It is easy to become a certificate holding voting member of the OEN. Membership is open to all Amateur radio operators legally licensed to operate on OEN Net Frequency. You must keep a simple log sheet noting your check-ins into the Oregon Emergency Net of at least ten times. Also keep track of who the Net Control was and the date each night you checked in.

Please mail or email a copy of that record to the OEN Net Operations Manager stating that you would like to become a member. After verification of your log, you will be awarded the next sequential OEN Certificate number available. This is a unique member number that does not change even if your call sign is changed. You will receive via Email or postal mail a "suitable for framing" certificate declaring you as a member of the Oregon Emergency Net. If you want the postal mail option, please include $5.00 (cash only) with your request.

We welcome amateurs from anywhere to become certificate holding members of the OEN.

OEN Net Operations Manager email: JBURKLEO@FRONTIER.COM

OEN Net Operations Manager mail address: WA7JAW, Joe Burkleo, 1076 N Juniper St Coquille, OR 97423.

If you have lost your original certificate or have changed your callsign, a duplicate, showing your original join date, can be sent to you by email in a PDF free of charge for you to print yourself. Alternately, a printed certificate can be obtained for $5.00 (cash only) to cover the actual cost of materials and postage.

For more information, please contact the Net Operations Manager.