AUGUST 21, 2011

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Board K7MKN at 1:10pm in Waldport, Oregon at Carol Dornings N7HEH. Board Members present were

K7MKN Jim Boyd
K7RFO Ruth Schorr
WA7FIV Hal Denison
W7BXD Kern Lilly

Other members present were ND7V, Treasure and editor of the Netter, K6UGS who does the OEN Home Page, those also in attendance were N7IPG, KG7UY, W7WX, K7DDI, AB7ET, WO7V, KD7HB & W7TNY.

The minutes were read and a motion was made by WA7FIV, to accept the minutes as read and was 2nd by K7RFO. The treasurer's report was given by ND7V there was $775.86 in the bank, motion was made by K7RFO to accept the treasurer's report and was 2nd by W7BXD.

N7RBO the Net Manager/Secretary asked that the 3 month check-in list be abolished but all Net Controls must keep those 3 months rosters just in case they need to be reviewed, the check-in list seemed to be too confusing and she ended up redoing all except for a few. This was approved by all Board Members.

WA7FIV made a suggestion that announcements made at the first of the net be repeated half way through the net, or at the first of the 2nd Net. The Net Manager said this was a very good idea, and would do so, and also repeat any other announcements that were made.

K7RFO made a suggestion that the 2nd net not call Washington by suffix, just call Washington. The Secretary will send this out to all 2nd net controls, but this would be their option.

N7IPG was asked a few years ago to re-write the OEN hand book. He came up with new Guidelines and Policies gave a copy to each Board Member. A motion was made to see if the Board should form a committee to read and make suggestions on the new Guidelines and Policies. This motion failed to pass.

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Submitted by Karen Lilly, Secretary

Footnote: Oldest member that attended was 98, K7ADW, Youngest 16, K7PMG